Budapest, Extension of the Zoo's Main Entrance Building
Budapest, Práter Street 30-32 Social Housing
Tolcsva, Winery Bottling Plant
Budapest, National Equestrian Center
Budapest, House for the Katta Monkeys
Siófok, Restaurant
Budapest, Artificial Rock Reconstruction
Vácegres, Residential Building
Budapest, Pavilion of National Bonsai collection
Budapest, Installation of the Hundertwasser Exhibition, Museum of Fine Arts
Badacsony, Bazaltbor Winery
Máriaremete, Swimming Pool
Société Budapest
Köveskál, Residential Building Extention
Káptalantóti Bácshegy, Residential Building
HillSide Offices
Badacsony, Hableány
Budapest, Cirko Gejzír Cinema
Budapest, Rácz Thermal Bath Reconstruction and Extension Preliminary Design
Société Budapest Preliminary Design
Budapest, Japanese Garden, Meditation Pavilion
Budapest, Interior at the Hillside
Budapest, Residential Building Preliminary Design
Budapest, Listed Building Reconstruction
Budapest, Cave Cinema in the Artificial Rock Interior Design
Budapest, Giraffe House Restoration
Budapest, Interior Design for an Attorney Office
Városliget, The Garden of the Blinds Pavilion
Eger, Gróf Buttler Winery